
Nutrients are substances found in food that are essential for the body's health. Macronutrients are the nutrients that the body requires in larger quantities.

  1. Carbohydrates

    • Types:

    Simple carbohydrates/ sugars

  • Monosaccharides (made up of 1sugar molecule): glucose, fructose, galactose

  • Disaccharides (made up of 2 sugar molecules): lactose, maltose, sucrose

    Complex carbohydrates/ starches and fibers

  • Oligosaccharides (made up of 3-10 linked sugars)

  • Polysaccharides (made up of 10+linked sugars)

  • Primary sources of energy for our bodies

  • One gram of carbohydrate provides 4 calories

  • Food sources: bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, corn, etc.

    2. Fats

  • Types:

    Saturated fats: 

  • Solid at room temperature

  • Raise good and bad cholesterol levels

  • Overconsumption increases the risk of heart issues

    Unsaturated fats: 

  • Liquid at room temperature

  • Lower bad cholesterol levels and can increase good cholesterol levels

  • Beneficial to health when consumed in moderate amounts

    Trans fats: 

  • Semi-solid at room temperature

  • Most are created artificially

  • Raise bad cholesterol levels and lower good cholesterol levels

  • Extremely harmful to health and can result in heart problems


  • Provide the body with energy

  • Protect and insulate the body and its organs

  • Store and transport vitamins

  • One gram of fat provides 9 calories

  • Food sources: butter, cheese, olive oil, avocados, nuts, margarine, etc.

    3. Proteins

  • Made up of amino acids


  • Provide the body with energy

  • Provide structural support

  • Regulate bodily processes

  • Transport Substances

  • Repair and replace damaged cells

  • One gram of protein provides 4 calories

  • Food Sources: eggs, meat, dairy products, beans, fish, nuts, etc.

Written by Thulashini



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